Hello, this is Alarmy team.
What happened to the event
We collected your ideas about which nickname to call you by for the last two weeks. (If you missed it, check out our last article!)
Unlike our worries that there might be too little responses to choose from, we received 2000❗️ replies. Among them, 55% were in English. 1100 users from around the world participated in the event. Impressive!
All your brilliant ideas, the detailed reasons and additional cheers for us were very moving.
Thank you all for taking your time to participate in the event. As much as you showed us how much you care about us, we will work harder to provide you better services.
From happy dilemma to final choice
Right after the event ended, we collected all 2000 responses, removed duplicates and narrowed them down to 20, then three, and finally one! Among the 20 candidates, all the team members voted after careful consideration. There were so many good ideas to pick just one! 😂
Now, I won't make you wait more and just announce the final winner. The winner is.... 🥁🥁🥁
You can tell it's related to Alarmy and it's short and simple. It seemed great to call you in a more intimate way. Also, we are Alarmy - A Larmy - and you are Larmies! It feels like we are one big team in a whole. 😉
What about the prize?
As there were several responses suggesting the name 'Larmy,' we will randomly choose among the multiple winners and pick one person to receive the prize. We'll contact the winner by tomorrow(May 25th). For the rest of the participants who submitted 'Larmy' but didn't win the prize, we'll also let you know via email to not make you wait too long. Please wait a bit more! ;)
Now every time we release a new article, I'll feel a lot closer by calling you "Larmies!" So glad.
I'll look forward to bringing you Larmies many good news from now on.
Thank you all again and hope you have a wonderful week!